Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Famous Life Quotes

What is this life if full of care; we have no time to stand and stare." These famous lines from the poem Leisure by W H Davis sum up my attitude towards life. The life we lead must be worth living. Find out what famous personalities think about life, with these famous life quotes.
A Zen Saying
Sit quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself.
Ernest L. Woodward
So great has been the endurance, so incredible the achievement, that, as long as the sun keeps a set course in heaven, it would be foolish to despair of the human race.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
So much of our time is preparation, so much is routine, and so much retrospect, that the path of each man's genius contracts itself to a very few hours.
Samuel Johnson
Some desire is necessary to keep life in motion.
Thomas Fuller
Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away.
Jane Rubietta
Someone may have stolen your dream when it was young and fresh and you were innocent. Anger is natural. Grief is appropriate. Healing is mandatory. Restoration is possible.
Stephen Covey
Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.
Kenneth Hildebrand
Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes.
Vincent Lombardi
Success demands singleness of purpose.
Booker T. Washington
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.

Philosophy Of Life

Philosophy Of Life

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Life Wish List - Or How to Live Your Dreams!

My son Nico had his Birthday and I watched in amazement, how happiness came straight from his heart when he unwrapped a present he was wishing for, for a long time. His shining eyes and the contagious positive energy he radiated triggered a great idea!
When did you last write a Life-Wish-List?
When you are on vacation, maybe at a nice beach or in the mountains surrounded by nature, or maybe just having a relaxed afternoon at home with a delicious drink in your hand listening to music, let your thoughts run free, without any censoring or reality check and write down all your wishes. It could be things like:

  • creating a nurturing and inspiring reading or thinking corner in your home
  • the sports car you have dreamt about for many years (it could also be rented for a weekend!)
  • a safari in Kenya
  • taking a balloon ride
  • additional education
  • singing live in a bar
  • climbing a mountaintop
  • a wellness weekend for two
  • seeing the musical "The Lion King"
  • taking an arts class

and many more!
It doesn't have to be something big, just something you where dreaming or thinking about for a long time, but never made it happen. After finishing your list, you can ask the other members of your family to do the same or you can even make a family wish list; everything you would like to do together sometimes.
Well now, all in black and white, your list becomes more real and you can always get back to it. The next step is to fulfill one wish per year in your list. You could review your list every year during your vacation or on New Year's Day and decide, what to do next in the coming year, rather than the usual resolutions like stopping smoking, loosing weight or doing more sports!? What a blast! Vacation is the perfect time to reflect, as you are able to relax and let your thoughts and dreams be big and free! Regain your shining children's eyes and enjoy the positive energy!
Desiree Steinmann is a Professional Life and Career Coach and Master Trainer. She helps her clients to see all the possibilities and motivates them to take ownership and action. She offers one on one coaching, telephone coaching, group coaching, workshops and can also be booked as a speaker. Take a look at her unique workshop "Back to Basics - returning to what really matters" or her free "Reflections of the Week." For more info:http://steinmann-international.com.
Desiree Steinmann - EzineArticles Expert Author

Discover How to Live a Happy Life

Living a happy life is not something that we just know how to do. As we go on in life it almost seems as if people teach us how to live miserable lives instead of happy ones. The truth is that you are supposed to live a happy life. Here are 3 keys to help illuminate the road to a happy life.
1. Find out what makes you happy.
Ask someone to write down 50 things that make them happy and you will find that most people start struggling to come up with things after the first 10 or 20. If you don’t know what makes you happy then you don’t know what to work for to make you happy. Stumbling across happiness is like stumbling across a winning lottery ticket, it rarely happens. So what makes you happy?
2. Pursue what makes you happy.
Now that you know what makes you happy it’s time to start implementing a plan that will help you reach happiness. It’s great that you now what makes you happy now but information without action is useless. What actions will it take for you to be happy? A hint to doing this is making the entire actions dependant on you. If your happiness is dependant upon someone else you are on the wrong track. Don’t rely on other people to make you happy.
3. Learn not to stress.
Notice here that I said ‘learn’ not to stress. This may take some time but it’s important that you learn to not stress out over everything. Stress not only causes mental fatigue but it can also cause physical problems in your body. If necessary go to a stress management seminar and learn how to do this. The less stress that you have in your life the happier you will be.
Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'
Get it free here: Find Your Greatness
Do you want to learn how to create successful habits and goals? Download Jason’s new FREE ebook here: Goal Setting
Jason Osborn has dedicated himself to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through his Find Your Greatness Newsletter.
Jason Osborn - EzineArticles Expert Author

Friday, December 11, 2009

Create a Life You Love - Six Ways to Choose More Happiness and Less Stress. Try these six ways to live a happier and less stressful life.Stress and happiness don't mix. Try these six ways to live a happier and less stressful life.

Stress and happiness don't mix. Try these six ways to live a happier and less stressful life.
1. Get more physically active. If your doctor okay's strenuous activity, get out and work up a sweat. Digging in your garden for a few hours is a real stress-buster. Go for a hike in the woods, pick a steep hill. Remember what you used to love doing, or always wanted to do, and begin today. Dust off your old bike. Buy an inexpensive kayak and learn to paddle. Choose outdoor activities whenever you can. When you are limited by weather or time, choose aerobic dancing to compelling music that captures your whole being. Or just workout until you are tired. But whatever you choose, focus on your activity. Don't talk, watch TV, or think about anything except what you are doing at the instant.
2. Spend time alone in nature. Who can stress while walking barefoot on a lonely expanse of sand, watching the seabirds soar and dive, and listening to the waves break and the wind rustle through the beach grass. Combine physical activity with time spent alone in nature by hiking, paddling, or biking.
3. Release your attachments. Stress is caused by the fear that we will lose what we value. We stress because we fear that we will lose our health, our job, our home, our spouse or friends. We stress that we will have less tomorrow than we had yesterday.
By releasing your attachment to your possessions and your attachment to your relationships, you can eliminate most of the stress in your life. Make a daily practice of visualizing your life without those things you most value. Visualize yourself without a car, a computer, a cell phone, and recognize that those things do not define the true value of your life. If you are in a highly troubled relationship and fear that the other person may leave you, visualize your life without that person, and accept that your happiness in life comes from within, and not from any other person.
4. Simplify your life. Once you have released your attachments to your possessions, consider releasing those things physically as well. Search through your home for things you have not used in a year. Consider which of those items could be given away without loss to your happiness. Perhaps you want to ask yourself about the true value to your life of other possessions as well. What do you own that creates happiness and what creates stress? Would downsizing de-stress your life?
5. Reduce your obligations. Some people keep to themselves. Others thoroughly enjoy being president of their kid's school PTA and volunteering to drive seven girls to scout camp. But many others suffer with too many self-imposed obligations. If you don't enjoy a responsibility, and it isn't truly crucial, just say NO. Focus your volunteering on those activities that give you great joy and satisfaction.
6. Learn to love your job, or get a job you love. This idea for de-stressing your life is the most difficult one for many people. If your reaction is that you simply must continue with a job you hate for the sake of your family, think again. Your family loves and cherishes you for far more than the paycheck you bring home. If taking a different, more personally rewarding, job would make you a happier and more pleasant person, don't you think your family would appreciate the change? Turn the tables and ask yourself if you would want your spouse to work at a job they hated in order to bring home a few more dollars each week? Trust that they would make the same choice for you. Love and honor yourself enough to choose a career that brings satisfaction as well as a paycheck.
Jonathan Lockwood Huie, co-author of Simply An Inspired Life: Consciously Choosing Unbounded Happiness in Good Times and Bad, is known as "The Philosopher of Happiness," and writes the popular Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote which is available on-line at http://www.DreamThisDay.com and via free email subscription.
** Today is your day to dance lightly with life. It really is. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie **
Jonathan Huie - EzineArticles Expert Author

Thursday, December 10, 2009

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Meeting and Making Friends on Campus
What can you do when you find yourself in school without enough friends? Making friends on campus is not the easiest thing to do especially when you are new on campus or you go to an urban commuter campus. Meeting people at school need not be a daunting task, there are several methods that are not difficult to master and you may find easy when you try them out.
Start by looking around at people you tend to see frequently, such as, people who you see in your classes, dorms and dining areas. Often an easy way to start a conversation is to focus on an area of obvious common interest. For example, before or after classes, ask, "did you get the assignment for next week", or " what did you think of the professor's theory of..." This gets you past the most difficult part, which is starting the first conversation. Be sure to introduce yourself before the end of the conversation.
If your campus has a dining facility, cafe or coffee cart, then there will be more opportunities for meeting people. After you've introduced yourself and talked about class, it's the perfect time to ask the other person to join you for a cup of coffee. Once you are at the table it should be easier to talk about where you're from, what is your major, what you think of the class, is it easy or hard. Once you start a conversation, you've gotten past the most difficult part. It will be much easier to suggest meeting again for coffee, or to meet socially off campus.
Put yourself where there are other people that you will see over and over. Join a club, interest group or sports team. For some people this mean joining a Fraternity or Sorority, which is a good way to meet people. But don't think it is the only way to meet people, and don't rule out meeting people in other ways. Get a job writing for the school newspaper. Check the school paper and Web site for social events. Concerts and cultural events are good ways to meet people with common interest in a relaxed setting. Obviously if you live in a dormitory you will have chances to interact with people in your dorm floor as well as the dorm cafeteria. Make it a point of inviting people to meet you for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Don't be a cockroach (someone who hangs out in a dark room and scurries when the lights are turned on).
Study lounges are great place to meet people as well because there is only so much time people will study before they take a break. People have to take study breaks and if you are in the lounge with them, there's a good chance that you'll be able to strike up a conversation. Consider study lounges in dorms, on campus and in research libraries. 
Working on Campus is a good way to meet people, as well as put some money in your pocket, solving two problems at once. It depends on the job. If you have a job where you interact with people, and have some time to talk with them, then you are going to meet a lot more people who you will see repeatedly. Beware, if your job involves wearing a goofy uniform, it may not help you to meet people, and may even hinder meeting people.
Social events can be good ways to meet people. School dances, campus mixers and happy hours may seem un-hip and they are, but don't dismiss them outright. Other people may have the same feelings about it, so if you approach someone and say, "These things are really lame, aren't they?" or say, "Don't you hate these things." These are good ways to start a conversation, because suddenly you'll something in common to rant about.
Activism frequently brings people of like minds together. If you believe strongly in something, and you join a cause you will meet other people who share you passions. That passion translates into sense of belonging and connection between people. There is nothing like a rally followed by some time in prison with your new buddies, to inspire a sense of camaraderie against a common foe. You may want to look at your college policy about these matters before you attempt radical actions that may get you thrown out of school.
Make a table your office. Sit in the same area several times a week, and you are bound to meet and get to know people who are also there frequently. As you become a fixture, people will begin to feel that they know you. While this will work at any eating area, it is especially good in a coffee house environment, if your school has one. There is something about coffee, tea and muffins that brings people together and stimulates conversation. 
Forming Study Group. This has the added benefit of helping you to study in a more enjoyable way to study and get better grades. Spending long hours studying together creates a feeling of common cause and should lead to social meeting for coffee or drinks.
Waiters and Waitresses, If all else fails, talk to waiters and waitresses. They have to talk to you.
Be Polite and Outgoing
In general, if you spend time in places with other people the being polite will go a long way to breaking the ice. Saying hello to people, smiling and asking about them will make them more interested in knowing you. It's not so hard to meet people if you simply start the conversation.
Use Online Personal Ads and Chat Rooms
Use Online personals and chat rooms to meet people. Both are good ways to get to know people before meeting them. Using Online personals tends to be better than chat rooms because of the formality of setting up an ad leads to more honesty. Remember to take the time to ask the proper questions and get to know the person first. If you decide to meet someone, always meet first in a public space such as a cafe (not the one at which you always hang out). Personals can help you to screen out hundreds of losers and focus on someone who you are more likely to like.
Have fun with it.
Meeting people can be fun. Make the most out of your college days by having an active social life.